This treatise was written by Ibrahim Adil Shah (1580-1627). The work contains collection of Deccan language songs in Persian script. It contains 56 songs, and the raga for each song has been indicated. All these songs are based on dhruvapad(the correct Sanskrit word is dhruvapad) style, and every song consists of three parts, viz. sthayi, antara and abhog. In the Tuzuk-e- Jehangiri, Jehangir has praised the writing of Adil Shah and appreciated the new style dhruvapad compositions. He described him as the creator of a new style, which can be considered a style between dhruvapad and khyal. The manuscripts of the Nauras Nama are available at the Prince of Wales Museum (Mumbai) and Khudabaksh Library, Patna. Prof. Nazeer Ahmed of Aligarh University has edited this book with the title of Kitab-e-Nauras. In his opinion this could have been written around 1560-1603 A.D. Nauras Nama describes about 17 ragas, viz. Bhupali, Ramkri, Bhairav, Hijaz, Maru, Asavari, Desi, Purvi, Berari, Todi, Malhar, Gauri, Kalyan, Dhanasri, Kanhra, Kedar and Nauroz. In addition, the names of 14 popular musical instruments have also been mentioned.